Kaitlyn Alstott Blog

Living As Clay In The Hands Of Our Potter

Finally Back Home

I am finally back home! I’ve spent the past week reflecting and resting. Words really can’t express what these past three months have meant. All I can say, for now, is without a doubt, these have been the coolest few months of my life. And I have very exciting news to share on what’s next!

One Year Challenge!!!

While we were in South Africa, we worked closely with an organization called Global Challenge. Within this organization, there are many things they have a heart for. Part of that is education! Several years ago, they built a beautiful academy that, during out time there, we lived directly next to. Because of that, we got the awesome opportunity to partner up with them on many occasions. They also have a big heart for missions! Soon into being in Jeffrey’s Bay, I felt a huge pull to missions long term and the Lord opened a door with Global. I spent time praying on it and really found the Lord giving me a clear “YES!”. This is something I feel such a deep desire for yet it is completely out of my comfort zone in every way. But I fell in love with their values and those who work within missions at Global. I got to speak to several of them about their experience. The biggest thing that came up in my many conversations was a specific trip called One Year Challenge. This is a journey, just under a year long, that Global launches at the beginning of January each year. Their heart in this mission is to empower you with Jesus’s command in Matthew 28. They dive into and teach what discipleship is and what it looks like, servant leadership and traveling to the nations. To give a few details, this trip is broken into 4 “legs” and within each leg, we will be traveling to several regions of the world and supporting communities in several ways within short periods of our time there. Within that, we also get lots of opportunities to talk about the good news of the kingdom of God! In total, we will be visiting 12-15 countries within a period of 10 months. They are currently still finalizing our routes for this next year so many more details are to come with that, which I am VERY excited to share!

“And Jesus came and said to the, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age'” (Matthew 28:18-20 ESV).

How to Support!

The Lord is taking me through a crazy journey and clearly, He is not done yet. His provision has been incredible and He continually opens doors. If you would like to partner with me in this journey, here are a few ways you can:


  1. One way would be through fundraising! The link below will send you to a page with the participants for this upcoming trip! As you go down on the page, you will find and click on my face and then it will take you through the steps to donate! (Quick note, you will have to do a bit of a currency exchange by donating this way!) These funds will go directly to Global for my flights, food, accommodation in countries and many more things. Also, if you would like to learn more about the trip, past testimonies, etc. I HIGHLY encourage you to take a look around on their website!
  2. Because this organization is based in South Africa, our first month or so of training for the trip is based in Jeffrey’s Bay, where I was just a month ago! Something not included in the funding above, is my transportation to get to training camp. Training starts January 8th and am hoping to fly over a few days prior! Costs for flights are anywhere between $1,200 to $1,700 so support within this would mean THE WORLD! If you would like to do so you can donate to my Venmo or PayPal below!


Venmo: Kaitlyn_alstott

Paypal: Kaitlyn Alstott


  1. Another HUGE way you can support me and my team is through your prayers!! Current prayer requests would be:
  • Each of my team members, including myself, getting at least 60% of our funds raised by our deadline, January 31!
  • Prior to and as we travel to Jeffrey’s Bay, that we would remain healthy, in all aspects, for training at the beginning of January!

To conclude…

I feel OVERFLOWING with joy for what the Lord has planned for this next year. I can’t wait grow in love for these people I am serving alongside, the nations, the communities I encounter and, above all, the Lord! I feel beyond blessed to have this opportunity and to have been able to watch the many ways the Lord has opened doors this far. I can’t wait to continually see where He is going to lead me!

If you have any thoughts, questions, etc. about anything, please send me an email at [email protected]. I would love to talk!

With much love and much more to come, Kaitlyn

2 responses to “One Year Challenge!”

  1. I am so excited and hopeful for what the Lord has in store for you in 2024. I am encouraged by your Yes!!!.

  2. I love you, my beautiful daughter, and I’m so very proud of you!! Many 🙏🙏 that the Lord protects you and the others along with pouring out many blessings in every form possible. ❤️😘